Navigate - Integrated management system (IMS)
Navigate your IMS as part of our retained services; clients can subscribe to business information services powered by Croner-i, highlights include:
Licensed copies of the following standards:
ISO 9000:2015 Quality management systems Fundamentals and vocabulary
ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management Systems. Requirements
ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management Systems. Requirements with Guidance for Use
ISO 45001: 2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. Requirements with Guidance for Use
45002-0: 2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. General Guidelines for the Application of ISO 45001
Access to a variety of subject matter experts
Unlimited Navigate-Safety advice line calls.
Environment helpline access for extra support.
Legal registers and updates
Tools to create bespoke health, safety and environmental legal registers (14001 and 45001 bias)
Legislation tracker (upcoming, recently enforced and consultations)
Tools and techniques
Training - Ready-made H&S courses and Environmental presentations.
A risk assessment tool - This enables you to create new risk assessments and review existing ones; generate statistics for a number of different locations across a specified date range; print and email completed risk assessments; and generate action plans with suggested control measures.
Green office audit - Identifies ways to comply with legislation and make changes to reduce your organisations carbon footprint.
H&S audit - areas covered: General Health and Safety, Workplace, Fire, First aid, Work equipment, Display screen equipment, Electricity, Substances hazardous to health, Manual handling, Lifting equipment, Workplace transport, PPE, Production areas, and Public liability.
Workflows - Determination tools for policy obligations and non-financial reporting etc.